Malcom Harsch Scene / Victorville 6.14.20

VICTORVILLE – MONDAY VIDEO: The location, near Malcom Harsch’s tent, where he was reportedly found. A makeshift memorial has been put up at the location in his memory. There is SOT with a Betty Stevens. She is NOT a witness but knows the woman who was Harsch’s girlfriend. She said ‘the girlfriend’ said that the two had an argument and that Harsch left the area. When he didn’t return the girlfriend also left the area. When she returned she found Harsch hanging from the tree and cut him down. To be upfront, Stevens also says that a nearby homeless woman told her that SBSO Victorville deputies were responsible for the hanging. NOTE: Steven’s comments are UNCONFIRMED.

SUNDAY VIDEO: B-Roll video of the area surrounding the Victorville City Library. This is the GENERAL area where the body of Malcolm Harsch was found hanging from a tree. According to the SBSO PIO, Harsch, 38, was found near a homeless encampment near Zenda Street and Seventh Street. SBSO Victorville deputies responded around 7:00 am on May 31st after receiving a report of a man hung in a tree. Local officials don’t believe foul play was involved but with a similar incident in Lancaster new attention is being paid to this incident.